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Clients often need more than simply geometry creation. They need analysis.


With a background in Manufacturing Engineering, Process Engineering, Tooling Design, and Quality Control, and with all the standard data processing software, and SolidWorks.


A wide range of design services from Concept-to-Production, including –
  • Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA), both Design FMEA and Process FMEA
  • Dimensional Stack-up Analysis
  • Workgroup PDM and Drawing Configuration Management
  • Finite Element Analysis, Single Parts
  • Stress analysis quantifying the estimated results of proposed design changes.
  • Design Inputs
  • Design Outputs
Here are some of the Tools and Software that I maintain to produce results for you and to communicate with you –
  • SolidWorks Premium Edition
  • Finite Element Analysis, Non-dynamic (FEA)
  • Mobile CAD Workstation
  • Workgroup PDM (Product Data and Revision Management)
  • MS Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook
  • Zoom Meetings
  • Effective SolidWorks solid modeling in,
    • Solids
    • Surfaces
    • Assemblies
    • Drawings, layouts, diagrams and illustrations
    • Sheet metal
    • FEA (Finite Element Analysis), single component
    • Plastic and injection molded
    • Composite
    • Elastomeric and elastic variables
    • Machined metal
    • FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, both Process and Design)

Project Notes

  1. One part of design is the generation of geometry, for both aesthetic appearance and mechanical fit.
  2. Analysis involves much more information about the part, and how it interacts with part geometry.